We want to express our heartbreak and outrage at the murder of George Floyd, and we stand in solidarity against systemic racism and injustice. Responsibility/Areivut and Respect/Kavod, two of our core Prizmah values, call upon us to stand together and speak out against injustice. We know the importance of ensuring that all human lives are valued and the importance of working together to eradicate racism. As an educational organization, we feel a sense of responsibility for the broader community and strive to model the respect that is essential to the teachings of Torah in all being created in the Image of God. Our work together is built on the goal of creating a stronger future by educating the next generation about the values of respect and responsibility to one another. Prizmah has collected resources to help you in speaking with your students and community about this difficult and important topic. Nothing is more important than our part in Tikkun Olam, working to repair the world. |